English translation

2022最後の日 今年もお世話になりました Last day of 2022. Thank you for your help this year.


Today is the only day left in 2022.


I feel like a lot of things happened.


It seems like the length of a year is getting shorter every year.


As this is the last day, I would like to review my goals for this year.

今年の目標 2022年 Goals for this year 2022 あけましておめでとうございました。 Congratulations on your new year! 今年は3つ...

目標と結果 goals and results


This year I have set three goals.


I will announce the results.

保険の見直し Review of insurance


Insurance premiums are going to go up in July, so I set a goal to change my insurance before then.


I was able to successfully change my insurance.


I changed to MetLife because of the contract details and price.


I was able to lower my insurance premiums and the burden on my household budget became lighter.

保険見直し始めました。夏 Started reviewing insurance. Summer 家計改善のため、 保険を見直します。 Insurance is reviewed to improve household...
ついに保険を変更しました I finally changed my insurance 熟考の末、保険会社を変更しました。 After much consideration, I changed insurance ...

証券口座をもう一つ持つ have another securities account



My goal was to have an account at SBI Securities in addition to Rakuten Securities in order to diversify my risk.


Basically, I want to use Rakuten Bank for my household finances and savings, and SBI Securities for my savings.


I was also able to open an account smoothly.


I transferred all my savings and savings from before marriage.


This will keep things neat and tidy as it won’t be mixed up with your household finances.

SBI証券登録 なかなかだった SBI Securities Registration It was not easy. 今年の目標のひとつである SBI証券への登録を行いました。 One of my goals this year was t...
SBI証券手続き完了です。 SBI Securities procedure is completed. SBI証券の手続きが完了しました。 SBI Securities procedures have been completed....

ブログの英訳 English translation of blog



In order to make this site global, we have set a goal of translating past articles into English in order.


I was hoping to be able to translate about half of my books into English within a year.


The result was about 1/2.


Of the 238 articles including this one, 119 have been translated into English.


Just half.


I actually thought it would be impossible, but it feels like a miracle.


I want to praise myself.

総評 General review


I feel like it worked somehow.



I will try my best next year, so please try again.


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今年の目標 2022年 Goals for this year 2022 あけましておめでとうございました。 Congratulations on your new year! 今年は3つ...
保険見直し始めました。夏 Started reviewing insurance. Summer 家計改善のため、 保険を見直します。 Insurance is reviewed to improve household...
ついに保険を変更しました I finally changed my insurance 熟考の末、保険会社を変更しました。 After much consideration, I changed insurance ...
SBI証券登録 なかなかだった SBI Securities Registration It was not easy. 今年の目標のひとつである SBI証券への登録を行いました。 One of my goals this year was t...
SBI証券手続き完了です。 SBI Securities procedure is completed. SBI証券の手続きが完了しました。 SBI Securities procedures have been completed....

Memo: Year of World Sports Championships

In 2022, in addition to the soccer World Cup, there will also be the Winter Olympics.

World sports championships are quite exciting.

It seems like there is some kind of competition every year.

It seems that there are many tournaments held approximately every four years.

I looked into tournaments held in the same year. I will introduce three to four items at a time.

Same year as the World Soccer Championships

I will pick up some of the world sports championships held every four years starting in 2022.

・Soccer World Cup

・Winter Olympics

・Women’s Hockey World Cup

・Women’s Basketball World Cup

Same year as the World Baseball Championship

I will pick up some of the world sports championships held every four years starting in 2023.

・World Baseball Classic

・Basketball World Cup

・Cricket World Cup

・Hockey World Cup

・Rugby World Cup

・Women’s Soccer World Cup

Same year as the Summer Olympics

I will pick up some of the world sports championships that will be held every four years starting in 2024.

・Summer Olympics

・Volleyball World Cup

・Women’s Volleyball World Cup

Not so much in 2025

As far as I’ve researched, there aren’t many quadrennial sports tournaments in 2025.

・Women’s rugby


It seems like the year the world championships will be held is fixed somehow.

This may be because there are qualifying tournaments before and after the Soccer World Cup and the Olympics.

There are many sports competitions every year, including sports that are held every year or every two years.

I think it’s a wonderful time to be able to enjoy watching sports.

Let’s talk, drink, and have fun while watching sports.

LET’S Sports.