The harvested rice had finished drying, so I came to help pack the rice into bags.
The typhoon is approaching, so the fathers want to finish the work as soon as possible.
やることは簡単 It’s easy to do
The mission entrusted to me is to pack rice into bags and transport them.
The preparations up to that point had been completed by the time I arrived.
This rice and what’s in the dryer are turned into brown rice and packed into bags.

The rice is carried on this mat and into the refrigerator.

始めます start
The rice is sorted, the husks are removed, and it goes into bags.

One bag holds about 30 kg.
Once the rice is in it, fold the opening of the bag four times and tie the string.
The strings are tied in the same way as when wearing a kimono.
I didn’t really understand it, so I just learned it.
Repeat this for the entire day.
成果発表 Announcement of results
I did my best.

It ended up being about 100 bags.
My arms, back, and hips are screaming.
All that is left to do is go and scatter the rice husks in the field.
I managed to finish it.
It will definitely make your muscles sore.
It’s quite hard work, so it’s quite difficult for my father and grandmother to do it alone.
I would like to help again next year.
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Memo: Carrying rice
This time, I helped pack the rice into bags and carried the rice.
Although the distance was only a few meters, it was very hard work.
I was curious about how people transported things in the past, when there were no trucks or heavy machinery.
So, I looked into rice transportation.
What did you pack in the past?
Currently, there are paper bags and plastic bags.
In the past, there was no such thing as vinyl.
Paper was also a valuable item, and it wasn’t as strong as it is today.
In the old days, straw was woven into a cylindrical shape.
It’s called a bale.

Apparently, during the Edo period, 30kg of rice was carried in straw bales.
In the Meiji period, the standard was changed to 60kg.
The weight of bales from the Meiji era is completely out of line with modern labor standards.
Transportation method
I looked into the transportation methods used by people in the past.
It was as expected. It’s human power.
It seems that some people carried them directly on their shoulders, while others carried them on carts.
It seems that it was common for people to carry two or three at a time.
In addition to physical strength and muscular strength, I suspect that they had good skills in carrying heavy objects.
Whatever it is, it’s amazing.
Found an interesting site
While researching rice transportation, I found an interesting site.
This is a website called “The secrets of rice transportation and rice stacking.”
This site has easy-to-understand instructions on how to tie rice bags, how to hold rice bags, and how to stack and stack rice bags.
I have no idea who created it or for what purpose.
I found this site to be very useful.
Please use it as a reference.