A thorn stuck in my heel hurts a bit.
It’s a bit painful every time I walk, but it’s bearable.
It’s annoying.
絶妙な場所にささる It’s stuck in the perfect place
It wasn’t stuck on the bottom of my heel, but on the side.
It doesn’t hurt if I’m wearing socks, but it hurts if I’m barefoot.
It’s in the perfect place.

I tried to pull the thorn out, but my body was too stiff and I couldn’t pull it out properly.
I’ve seen videos of elephants struggling with thorns stuck in their feet, and now I can really understand how the elephant feels.
皮膚科へGO Go to the dermatologist
I couldn’t get it out no matter what I did, so I went to the dermatologist.
The treatment took just over 5 minutes.
I was surprised that it came out pretty easily.
I looked at the thorn that was removed, and it was really something like a small piece of garbage.
I’m amazed at how sharp our senses are.
その他の対処法は Other ways to deal with it
I looked online to see what other options there were.
① Pull it out yourself
② Wait for it to fall out naturally
I tried ① pulling it out myself several times, but it was difficult.
② is a method where I wait for the skin to regenerate and then it falls out, but it hurts the whole time, so I didn’t think it was realistic.
As a result, I thought that if you can’t remove it yourself, the quickest way is to go to a dermatologist.
Please use this as a reference.
Memo: The role of the heel
The heel is located on the bottom of the foot.
When I think about it, I can’t really explain what it does.
I have a vague idea that it’s something that helps you walk, but I’ll look into it.
The name of the heel
The official name of the heel is the calcaneus.
In Japan, it is called “kakato.” It is also sometimes called “kibisu.”
The role of the heel
The heel is the first part to land when walking, so it receives the most impact.
It is also the part that bears the most weight when standing.
Various muscles and tendons are connected to the heel, and it performs various functions when moving.
In addition, the heel also acts as a sensor.
It detects the condition of the ground and sends a command to the brain to quickly balance.
It is an essential part of movement.
Cutting off your heel to put on a glass slipper is a big deal.
It’s rumored that accelerating from the heel makes you faster
In the manga Slam Dunk, it says that accelerating from the heel makes you faster.
Apparently Michael Jordan did the same.
It seems that you can run faster by pushing the ground hard with your heel.
I thought the heel was a brake, so I was able to correct my mistake.
There were a lot of things I thought I knew but didn’t.
It’s clear that there are things that are not obvious mixed in with things that we think are obvious.
I’d like to continue researching more in the future.