English translation

ahamoに変更しました I changed my phone plan to AHAMO



I changed my phone plan to AHAMO to improve my finances.


This is a contract change from docomo to ahamo.

事前に確認すること Confirmation in advance



First, make sure the phone or IPhone you are using is ahamo compatible.



My phone is listed at the bottom of the manufacturer and was just barely usable.




My phone is about 5 years old.

If you are using an earlier one, you will need to change your contract and buy a new phone at the same time.

変更手順 Change procedure


Press Apply in the upper right corner.



Then you will see this screen.

Select the change of price plan.




The following are required as a preliminary procedure.

・Registration to dpoint Club

・Online issuance dpoint card number acquisition



You can go to dpoint procedure on this screen.



After completing the procedure, you will be taken to this screen.




Then there are procedures for rate plans and selection of unlimited call options.

Once that is done, you will have a successful contract.

I don’t want to bother with contract renewals and paperwork.

We do not want to do more complicated tasks.

Sometimes when I put things off like that, the things I have to do pile up and I can’t do anything about it.

When that happens, panic sets in and I lose control.

Here are some solutions.

Here are three.

・Finish the easy things that can be done quickly first. Put off the time-consuming and complicated ones.

Finish simple things like returning e-mails, tidying up, and organizing paperwork as you go.

If left unattended, simple things may soon turn into time-consuming, complex problems.

Finish them before that happens.

By finishing the easy ones, you will be able to focus on the complex ones.

・If you get stuck, do another job. Do all the work at the same time.

It’s the easy way. Don’t think about it.

When you get stuck at work, switch to another job without thinking.

Get all the work done that you don’t have to think about.

You can probably do about 60% of your work without thinking.

If you can’t figure out the remaining 40%, put it off and try another job.

Just by changing the order of tasks, you may get inspiration or unexpected effects.

・Ask for help.

Ask for help regardless of who you are.

You may be surprised at how many seniors, colleagues, and junior staff are willing to help you if you ask.

They may finish a job in an hour that would take you a day.

The reverse is also true.

Everyone has his or her own strengths and weaknesses.

It is better to leave the work to those who are good at it, both in terms of time and quality.

If you help me, I will help you next time.

I think it is good to have a give-and-take approach.

Please feel free to ask for help.

It may not work for everyone, so try it out and if it doesn’t work, find a different method.

変更の効果は The effect of the change is




This is a switch from Gigaho plans to AHAMO.

With Gigaho, it was roughly about 9,000 yen with unlimited calling.



ahamo is going to be roughly 4,500 yen with unlimited calling.


This is calculated to cut communication charges by about half.


I think it works quite well.


I will continue to improve my finances.

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