English translation

【本の紹介】城の攻防を勉学する書 [Book introduction] A book for studying castle attack and defense 


There are many castles in Japan.



There are various types of castles throughout Japan, including those with the castle tower still remaining and those that are just castle ruins.


Here is the book I will introduce this time.

「知れば知るほど面白い 戦国の城 攻めと守り」

“The more you learn, the more interesting it becomes: Sengoku Castle Attack and Defense”

本の内容 Contents of the book



This book is about castles, but it mainly writes about how to attack and defend them.



There are many books that introduce the history and charm of castles, but this type of book is quite rare.


The contents are divided into three parts.


Part 1 is about the main tactics of attack and defense.


Part 2 is an introduction to the functions and roles of each facility in the castle.


Part 3 is an explanation and introduction of siege warfare in the Sengoku period.

1部 攻め方守り方 Part 1: Attacking and defending



This chapter introduces and explains the tactics and strategies of the attacking and defending sides.



There are many explanations of attacking strategies, but it is difficult to find materials on how to defend, so this is helpful.

2部 城の各設備、役割 Part 2: Each facility and role of the castle


It describes the structure of the castle.


The role and importance of each piece of equipment.



If you read this section, you will have a better understanding of how castles were defended when you go sightseeing at castles.


It will make your castle sightseeing even more enjoyable.

3部 攻城戦紹介 Part 3: Introduction to Sieges


Famous sieges are introduced here.


It seems to pick out famous sieges from the early, middle, and late Sengoku period.


Some of the ones I knew were the Battle of Oshi Castle and the Siege of Osaka.


It’s good to know about the experiences of our predecessors.


It’s educational.

こんな人におすすめ Recommended for


・People who have been reincarnated in another world


・People who like to visit castles for sightseeing



Memo: Basics of castle defense

It is said that the defender has an advantage in sieging a castle.

It is said that to be successful in sieging a castle, you need three times as many troops as the defenders.

Let’s review how to defend a castle.

Castle defense

The basics are about castle defense.

You need to effectively combine defenses such as walls and moats with counterattack methods such as “Koguchi” and “Masugata” that were introduced in the book.

You need to find a way to defend that is easy to defend and difficult to attack.

You also need to consider things like stockpiling food and water.

Defence comes first.


There are cases where you can win just by defending, such as when the attacking side suffers heavy losses or a powerful general on the attacking side is killed.

However, there are cases where the difference in troop strength is large, or the enemy is starving you out.

In those cases, reinforcements are effective.

Have them attack from behind while you are defending.

You can create a pincer attack.

If you notice reinforcements and attack, send troops from the defending side to attack them from both sides.

This is a great strategy.


This time, we’ve introduced the most basic of castle defense.

You can’t just let them get away with it, so make sure you’re well prepared.