English translation

確定申告 今年は少し便利になりました Tax returns have become a little more convenient this year.


It’s tax return season.


Some company employees don’t do it.




In my case, I made hometown tax donations to more than five municipalities and I have a carryover of negative amounts from the beginning of my investments.



There’s still some time until the deadline, but I’m going to be busy from next week, so I’ll do it now.

申請の方法が楽になった The application method has become easier


I feel like the application process is easier this year than last year.


I think there are two reasons for this.

1つ目 マイナポータルとの連携 First: Linking with Myna Portal


From now on, you can link with Myna Portal.


To be specific, you no longer need to calculate medical expenses deductions.



You no longer need to type in a year’s worth of medical receipts, so it’s a significant time saver.


There are no calculation or typing errors, so the accuracy has increased.


It’s the best.

2つめ 電子ファイルで申請 Second: Applying with an electronic file



I think this was probably the case last year, but you don’t need to type in any data, just upload an xml file.



I used the data from the securities company’s annual transaction report and the hometown tax donation data.



This was also quite a hassle to enter by myself, so this made it much easier.

結果 Result


It took about 2 to 3 hours from the time I started the application to the time it was completed.


I think it was more time consuming to collect the xml data and link it to My Number Portal.



Also, it takes time to send the xml data for hometown tax, so you need to prepare it in advance.


Please be careful.



The actual items to fill in were only the numbers on the withholding slip I received from my company and the numbers for miscellaneous income.


It seems that I will be able to get a refund of 10,000 yen for this year’s tax return.


I can receive the amount for one meal out with my family.


I’m so happy.


I recommend that company employees try it too.


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Memo: What I want to digitize

Advances in technology are making complex tasks easier.

There are some things I’d like to see digitized to make the world a more convenient place.

I’ll introduce two of them.

Writing minutes of meetings

Writing minutes of meetings is a huge pain.

It’s not so bad in a company.

All you have to do is summarize the main points of the meeting.

It is necessary to record exactly who said what and what was said.

It’s completely inefficient.

It’s completely inefficient.

We use voice recorders to record, but just transcribing it is a lot of work.

It’s customary, but I’d like to see them stop doing things that are out of date.

I think we need to adapt our thinking to the modern era.

Digitalization of elections

I know it’s important to go and vote.

However, I work during the week, and I want to rest and spend time with my family on the weekends.

This makes the act of “going to vote” a very difficult one.

That’s why I want election voting to be digitized.

If we could vote online, we could vote during our commute or when we have a short wait.

We could also vote while traveling or on a business trip.

For local governments and the government, it would eliminate the need to count votes, which would reduce costs and the burden on employees.

I think there are only good things to be gained from this, so I would like to see it implemented.

I think it will go in a good direction, so I would like people overseas to implement it.

It would be especially effective if Europe and the United States implemented it.

I think that politicians who like Europe and the United States, who are left-wing, and who are just trendy will push it.

Japanese people are weak even though it is implemented overseas, and they try to imitate it. Especially politicians.

Furthermore, Japanese people are good at making improvements, so I think we can import methods, improve them, and export them.

Thank you.


I think it’s important to have an attitude of wanting to make everything better.

I would like to start with what I can do.